- 13 Dec, 15
- by Napa Valley College
- in Napa Valley College Board of Trustees Meetings
NVC Board of Trustees Meeting 12.10.15
December 10, 2015 4:30 p.m. Call to Order, Acknowledgements, Reception, and Closed Session, Room 1538 – Board Room 6:00 p.m. (approximate time) Return to Public Session, Room 1538 – Board Room Building 1500 – McPherson Administration Building 2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway Napa, California 94558
1.0 CALL TO ORDER 4:30 p.m.
6.0 RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION (approximately 6:00 p.m.)
6.1 Announcement of Items from Closed Session
00:25 6.2 Pledge of Allegiance
00:51 6.3 Adoption of Agenda
01:44 7.0 PUBLIC COMMENT ─ GENERAL At this time, the board will devote a total of up to fifteen minutes for comments to the Board of Trustees regarding any subject NOT APPEARING AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR THIS MEETING but over which the board has jurisdiction. The public may ask the board to place an item related to the business of the District on a future board agenda. No action or discussion will occur at this time on such items. Individuals will be limited to a three minute presentation. At this time, the Board Chair will poll those in attendance regarding their intent to speak on any item on the agenda.
09:23 8.1 Academic Senate Report – Amanda Badgett, president
14.21 8.2 Administrative/Confidential Senate Report – Ken Arnold, president
16.35 8.3 Associated Students of Napa Valley College Report – Eleni Tham, president
8.4 Classified Association Report – Jan Schardt, president
18:46 8.5 Classified Senate Report – Christopher Farmer, president
22:29 8.6 Faculty Association Report – Dianna Chiabotti, president
26:24 9.1 President’s Report
44:36 9.2 Napa Valley College Foundation Report
50:00 9.3 Vice Presidents’ Reports
1:09:14 9.4 Strategic Communications Report
1:21:56 10.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 10.1 October 8, 2015 Regular Meeting
10.2 November 12, 2015 Regular Meeting Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees December 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:26:56 11.1 Institutional Effectiveness Reports: Core Indicators Report & Data Aligned with Institutional Mission Robyn Wornall, Dean of Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness, will provide an overview of key indicators of student learning and achievement as included in two standard (annual) reports. The Core Indicators Report compares Napa Valley College’s 2014-2015 performance on student achievement outcomes against institution-set standards defining academic quality. The Data Aligned with Institutional Mission document presents qualitative and quantitative information to evaluate achievement of the College mission. (Wornall)
1:41:41 11.2 2014/2015 Annual Progress Report on the Strategic Plan As part of the annual planning cycle, programs and services across the college submit progress reports summarizing activities and accomplishments from the most recent academic year. The Office of Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness uses the information reported at the unit level to compile a progress report at the institutional level. The report is structured around the priority objectives established for 2014-2015, which were taken directly from the 2014-2019 Institutional Strategic Plan. (Wornall/Shea)
1:51:59 11.3 1st Reading of New, Revised, or To-Be Repealed Board Policies This is the first reading of the following new, revised, or to-be repealed board policies: Policy # Policy Title Notes/Status Chapter 3 – General Institution BP 3810 Claims Against the District F3320 – Procedures for Consideration of Claims (repealed 3/12/15) will be converted to AR 3810 In keeping with board policy D1140 – College Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities, these policies were reviewed through the Council of Presidents and, as appropriate, by the Mutual Agreement Committee. It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these policies at the January 2016 Regular meeting. (Kraft)
1:53:20 12.0 CONSENT CALENDAR The items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine matters requiring approval or ratification by the board. They are accepted or approved by a single motion without discussion.
12.1 Ratify Financial Documents (Aguada)
12.2 Personnel Document of December 1, 2015 (Ecklin)
12.3 Amendments to Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plans 501, 502 & 503 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve amendments to the District’s Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plans 501 (original plan dated 10/1/1992), 502 (original plan dated 10/1/2006) and 503 (original plan dated 10/1/2006). The plans are administered by American Fidelity Assurance Company. The effective date of the benefit plan changes will be January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. There is no financial impact to the District. (Ecklin)
12.4 Ratify Agreements, Contracts & Memorandums of Understanding Education Code 81655 stipulates that no contract is an enforceable obligation of the District until it has been approved by the Board of Trustees. Board Policy 6100 – Delegation of Authority, Business & Fiscal Affairs establishes the authority of certain administrators to approve contracts under the bid limit prior to formal Board approval. This consent item presents for Board approval: all Memorandums of Understanding, administratively approved contracts, as well as additional instructional contracts. (Aguada) Item # NAME/ Contracting Party TYPE & TERM DESCRIPTION FISCAL IMPACT TO DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY:
2:08:41 13.1 Changes to the Curriculum It is recommended by the Curriculum Committee and Vice President of Instruction Terry Giugni that the Board of Trustees approve changes to the curriculum as presented. (Giugni/Gianvecchio)
2:12:59 13.2 Annual Audit for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the 2014-2015 Annual Audit report. John Dominguez from Cossolias, Wilson, Dominguez and Leavitt C.P.A, the District’s audit firm will present the audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. The Board’s Audit Committee and staff met with representatives from Cossolias, Wilson, Dominguez and Leavitt C.P.A on November 12, 2015 to review draft audit reports and consider a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. (Aguada)
2:32:30 13.3 2015-2016 Student Equity Plan It is recommended that the Board of Trustees review and approve the annual Student Equity Plan as required by the Chancellor’s Office for the fiscal year of 2015-2016. Napa Valley College will receive an allocation of $512,560 in 2015-2016 (approximately double the allocation from last year) to support student equity activities and the hiring of an Equity and Inclusivity Director. These funds will be spent in accordance with the Student Equity 2015-16 Expenditures Guidelines. (De Haro)
2:40:42 13.4 Academic Calendar for Summer Session 2016 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the summer session 2016 as presented. The academic calendar for fall 2015 and spring 2016 were approved at the February 2015 Board of Trustees with the exception of summer 2016. The proposed calendar meets the legal mandates and the holidays and breaks coincide with those scheduled by the Napa Valley Unified School District. The District and the Faculty Association have reached agreement on this calendar for summer 2016, which is an item of bargaining. The proposed calendar is included in the backup packet. (Giugni) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees December 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
2:43:19 13.5 New, Revised or To-Be Repealed Board Policies (2nd Reading) This is the second reading and recommended adoption of the following new, revised or to-be repealed board policies Policy # Policy Title Notes/Status Chapter 4 – Instructional Affairs BP 4050 Articulation Mutual Agreement Committee recommended adoption & associated repeals 10/26/15 I7910 High School And University Articulation Repeal, replaced by BP/AR 4050 I7920 High School Vocational Articulation Repeal, replaced by BP/AR 4050 Chapter 5 – Student Services BP 5040 Student Records, Directory Information, and Privacy Revised. Old S6410. In keeping with board policy D1140 – College Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities, these policies were reviewed through the Council of Presidents and, as appropriate, by the Mutual Agreement Committee.(Kraft)
2:43:35 13.6 Board Policy Manual – Administrative Regulations for Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve new and revised Administrative Regulations related to Chapter 2 of the Napa Valley College Board Policy Manual listed below. Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees AR 2435 – Evaluation of Superintendent/President
14.1 Election of Board Officers for 2016 Education Code section 72000 as well as Board Policy 2210 require that the Board elect a president and vice-president at its annual organizational meeting in December of each year. Both officers will take office as of January 1, 2016. State law and Board Policy allow any member to nominate a trustee for president, with or without providing reasons for making the nomination. Any Trustee may nominate oneself and any Trustee, including the student Trustee, may second a nomination. When there are no more nominations for the position of president that are seconded, there will be a motion to close nominations. Votes will be cast in the same sequence as nominations. The first nominee to receive a majority of votes will be elected to the position of president. If no person receives a majority upon the first ballot then the person with least votes will be eliminated and votes will be taken on the remaining nominees until one receives a majority of the votes. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees December 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda If there is only one nominee then that person is declared the president and no vote will be taken. Once a president is elected, the same process is used to elect the vice-president.
2:58:57 14.2 Adoption of 2016 Board Meeting Calendar The proposed calendar for 2016 regularly scheduled board meetings appears in the backup package. Regular meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month with public session typically beginning at 5:30 p.m.
3:02:40 14.3 Appoint Trustee Members to Board Committees and Napa Valley College Viticulture & Winery Technology Foundation Board for 2016 Following discussion, the Board Chair-Elect will select appointees to the Audit Committee, Legislative Affairs Committee, Redevelopment Oversight Committee, and the McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award Committee for calendar year 2016 in keeping with board policies BP 2220 – Committees of the Board and BP 2210 – Officers. The Board Chair will also appoint a member to the Viticulture & Winery Technology Foundation Board of Directors per that auxiliary organization’s bylaws.
15.1 Standing Committee & Other Appointment Reports 15.1.1 Viticulture & Winery Foundation Board of Directors (Rios)
15.1.2 Redevelopment Oversight Committee (Busenbark)
15.1.3 Legislative Affairs Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Sanchez)
15.1.4 Audit Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Iverson)
15.2 Ad Hoc Committee Reports 15.2.1 Foundation/District Relationship Ad Hoc Committee
3:10:36 15.3 Trustee Reports Under Section 54954.2(a)(2) of the Brown Act, trustees are permitted to make a brief announcement or to make a brief report on his or her own activities. Reports from trustees and all groups are intended to be non-controversial and used for reporting on conferences, meetings, and other activities related to District business. No action will be taken.
15.4 Board Chair Report
17.1 January 21, 2016, Regular Meeting (tentative date)
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