Napa Broadcasting

All posts by Jeff Schechtman


Season 4 Episode 13:  The Death Spiral of Wine Writing, and Other Cheerful Stories  A Master of Wine said wine writing loses more and more people everyday with all kinds of snobby moves. We happen to agree. Also, we’ve got some historic history about corks, some listeners who have been paying attention – always a risk with us – ask about wine glasses, research on screwtops and about cork bits floating in wine.


NAPA FIRE STORIES: 250 Hours That Changed Napa

The roads are open, neighborhoods are repopulated, the air is breathable; burnt out structures have been inventoried and the death count no longer rises.  As we return to normal, or what passes for it, only now do we have the luxury of looking back at stories of courage, skill and the communities remarkable grace under pressure.  

Disasters always bring character into bold relief.  They are the moments that tell us who we really are.  Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be telling you those stories and introducing you, up close and personal, to people you need to hear from.  Not about road closures, or FEMA registration, or how to get rid of debris, but about the amazing human spirit.