- 12 Sep, 15
- by Napa Valley College
- in Napa Valley College Board of Trustees Meetings
NVC Board of Trustees Meeting 9.10.15
Napa Valley Community College District
September 10, 2015 4:30 p.m. Call to Order & Closed Session, Room 1538 – Board Room 6:00 p.m. (approximate time) Return to Public Session, Room 1538 – Board Room 6:15 p.m. Public Hearing on 2015/2016 Adoption Budget, Room 1538 – Board Room Building 1500 – McPherson Administration Building 2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway Napa, California 94558
1.0 CALL TO ORDER 4:30 p.m.
1.1 Roll Call
2.0 PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS At this time, the board will devote a total of up to fifteen minutes for comments to the Board of Trustees regarding closed session agenda items. Individuals will be limited to a three minute presentation. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
4.0 RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION (approximately 6:00 p.m.)
0:10 4.1 Announcement of Items from Closed Session
4.2 Pledge of Allegiance
5:10 4.3 Adoption of Agenda
6:30 5.0 PUBLIC HEARING – 2015-2016 Final Budget for Napa Valley Community College District (6:15 p.m.) This hearing is held to allow for public comment on the proposed budget as required by California Title 5 Administrative Regulations, Section 58300. The proposed 2015-2016 Final Budget was noticed for public inspection beginning September 1, 2015. The proposed budget is available for public inspection in the Administrative Services office (Room 1542, Building 1500) during normal business hours.
6.1 2015-2016 Adoption Budget for Napa Valley Community College District It is recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt the 2015-2016 Adoption Budget as presented. The complete 2015-2016 Adoption Budget document will be distributed to trustees, budget center managers, and constituent group presidents on approximately September 11, 2015. The proposed 2015-2016 Adoption Budget was presented at a campus forum on August 27, 2015. The budget was developed through Budget Committee review and is scheduled for consideration and recommendation to the President at the September 4, 2015 Budget Committee meeting.
1:07:00 7.0 PUBLIC COMMENT ─ GENERAL At this time, the board will devote a total of up to fifteen minutes for comments to the Board of Trustees regarding any subject NOT APPEARING AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR THIS MEETING but over which the board has jurisdiction. The public may ask the board to place an item related to the business of the District on a future board agenda. No action or discussion will occur at this time on such items. Individuals will be limited to a three minute presentation. At this time, the Board Chair will poll those in attendance regarding their intent to speak on any item on the agenda.
1:08:00 8.1 Academic Senate Report – Amanda Badgett, president
1:16:00 8.2 Administrative/Confidential Senate Report – Ken Arnold, president
1:17:00 8.3 Associated Students of Napa Valley College Report – Eleni Tham, president
1:20:00 8.4 Classified Association Report – Jan Schardt, president
1:21:00 8.5 Classified Senate Report – Christopher Farmer, president
1:25:00 8.6 Faculty Association Report – Dianna Chiabotti, president Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
9.1 President’s Report
9.2 Napa Valley College Foundation Report
1:30:00 9.3 Vice Presidents’ Reports 9.4 Strategic Communications Report
1:43:00 11.1 Accreditation Update Accreditation Steering Committee Co-Chairs will provide an update to the Board of Trustees on the District’s accreditation efforts that may include the self-evaluation report, quality focus essay, and annual report, as well as expectations related to the evaluation team visit scheduled for September 28, 2015 through October 1, 2015. (Wornall/Shearer)
:00 11.2 Potential General Obligation Bond & Timeline Per the request of the Board, this item is placed on the agenda to allow continued discussion of the Measure E After Action Report and a potential new bond measure. (Digardi/Baldini)
50:00 11.3 Consent Calendar Reformat This item is placed on the agenda to allow discussion of a proposed change to the Consent Calendar section of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Agenda. A sample of consolidated contract and agreement listing is included in the backup packet. (Kraft/Hawk)
11.4 1st Reading of New, Revised or To Be Repealed Board Policies This is the first reading of the following new or revised board policies: Policy # Notes/Status Policy Title Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees BP 2720 Revised (proposed by Board Ad Hoc Committee) Communications Among Board Members Chapter 3 – General District BP 3500 Revised Campus Safety BP 3501 New Campus Security and Access BP 3510 Revise Workplace Violence Plan BP 3515 New Reporting of Crimes BP 3518 New Child Abuse Reporting BP 3520 New Local Law Enforcement Continued next page… Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda Policy # Notes/Status Policy Title BP 3530 New Weapons on Campus BP 3550 Revised Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program Chapter 5 – Student Services BP 5010 Revised Admissions and Concurrent Enrollment Chapter 7 – Human Resources H0130 Repeal (covered in new AR 7210 &AR 7211, and BOG requirements) Accredited Degrees H0320 Repeal (superseded by H2420 and Classified Collective Bargaining Agreement) Fitness Program for Staff H0612 Repeal & convert to AR 7132 (to become an AR under Compensation policy) Overtime & Extra Pay H0650 Repeal & convert to AR 7131 Payroll Errors H0860 Repeal (obsolete, no longer a college practice) Staff Release Time for Trips & Tours Escort Program In keeping with board policy D1140 – College Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities, these policies were reviewed through the Council of Presidents and, as appropriate, by the Mutual Agreement Committee. It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these policies at the October 2015 Regular meeting. (Kraft)
1:04:00 12.0 CONSENT CALENDAR The items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine matters requiring approval or ratification by the board. They are accepted or approved by a single motion without discussion.
12.1 Ratify Financial Documents (Hawk)
12.1.1 Approve Warrants for August 31, 2015 General Fund (Fund: 11, 12) $1,567,933.40 Child Care Fund (Fund: 33, 35) $3,517.29 Capital Outlay Projects Fund (Fund: 41) $90,500.00 12.1.2 Approve Total Gross Payroll August 31, 2015 $2,214,697.03
12.2 Personnel Document of September 1, 2015 (Ecklin) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
12.3 Dwight David Eisenhower Community College Transportation Fellowship Program 2015 It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration for the Dwight David Eisenhower Community College Transportation Fellowship awarded to the college’s Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA) program. Three participating students will receive grant funds in the amount of a $3,500 paid stipend and a $1,500 travel stipend to attend a January 2016 conference for a total of $5,000 per student, or $15,000, for the academic year. There are no direct costs to the District. (Giugni)
12.4 Contract with Tour Resource Consultants – Study Spanish in Salamanca, Spain It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a contract with Tour Resource Consultants for the purpose of providing an opportunity for students enrolled in SPAN 110, SPAN 111, SPAN 130, SPAN 131, SPAN 260, SPAN 261 and SPAN 282 to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain from June 10 through July 2, 2016. The maximum cost to the student $2,370. The agreement requires a minimum of 15 participating students. There are no direct costs to the District for the travel services in this contract. (Giugni)
12.5 Participation in the Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset Program It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve participation in the Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP) to allow staff to proceed with contract negotiations for the purpose of collecting outstanding debt owed to Napa Valley Community College District through the State Franchise Tax Board’s Interagency Offset Program. (Aguada/Hawk)
12.6 Contract with Vallejo Unified School District at Dan Mini Elementary School It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve a contract with Vallejo Unified School District for Dan Mini Elementary School to become an internship site for the purpose of providing internships to eligible students in the Human Services Program. The term of this agreement will be from September 10, 2015 until terminated by either party. There is no exchange of funds associated with this contract. (De Haro)
12.7 Memorandum of Understanding and Addendum with Butte-Glenn Community College District – OpenCCCApply Institution Participation It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify a memorandum of understanding and approve an addendum with Butte-Glenn Community College that relates to the online electronic admission application system known as CCCApply and the CCC federated student account system known as OpenCCC, collectively both systems are known as OpenCCCApply. The term of the MOU was from January 23, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The term of the addendum is from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018. There are no direct costs to the District. (De Haro) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
14.1 Agenda Request by Members of the Public – “Stop Syar Expansion” In accordance with Board Policy BP 2340 – Agendas, this item is placed on the agenda at the request of members of the public (Kathy Felch, Richard Blair, Steven Booth, Sandra Booth, and Julia Winiarski). This item will allow the Board to participate in any discussion related to the impacts of the Syar project as they may or may not directly relate to the business of the Napa Valley Community College District. It is requested by members of the “Stop Syar Expansion” board that Napa Valley College adopt a resolution urging Napa County and the Napa Planning Commission to adopt a “No Project” option as outlined in an Alternative Analysis Memo of July 2015 authored by Donald Barrella, Planner III, County of Napa. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:49:41 13.1 Board of Trustees Self-Evaluation and 2015/16 – 2017/18 Board Goals This item is placed on the agenda to allow continued discussion of the Board’s biennial self-evaluation and consideration of proposed Board Goals for 2015/16 to 2017/18. This item was carried forward from the August 13, 2015 Regular Meeting. (Digardi/Kraft)
1:51:56 13.2 Changes to the Curriculum It is recommended by the Curriculum Committee and Vice President of Instruction Terrence Giugni that the Board of Trustees approve changes to the curriculum as presented. (Giugni/Gianvecchio)
13.3 New or Revised Board Policies (2nd Reading) This is the second reading and recommended adoption of the following new or revised board policies Chapter 4 – Academic Affairs BP 4040 – Library and Other Instructional Services (revised since adoption on 7/9/15) In keeping with board policy D1140 – College Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities, these policies were reviewed through the Council of Presidents and, as appropriate, by the Mutual Agreement Committee. (Kraft)
1:52:00 13.4 Board Policy Manual – Administrative Regulations for Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve new and revised Administrative Regulations related to Chapter 2 of the Napa Valley College Board Policy Manual listed below. Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees AR 2320 – Special & Emergency Meetings
14.1 Agenda Request by Members of the Public – “Stop Syar Expansion” In accordance with Board Policy BP 2340 – Agendas, this item is placed on the agenda at the request of members of the public (Kathy Felch, Richard Blair, Steven Booth, Sandra Booth, and Julia Winiarski). This item will allow the Board to participate in any discussion related to the impacts of the Syar project as they may or may not directly relate to the business of the Napa Valley Community College District. It is requested by members of the “Stop Syar Expansion” board that Napa Valley College adopt a resolution urging Napa County and the Napa Planning Commission to adopt a “No Project” option as outlined in an Alternative Analysis Memo of July 2015 authored by Donald Barrella, Planner III, County of Napa. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:53:00 15.0 BOARD REPORTS
15.1 Standing Committee & Other Appointment Reports 15.1.1 Viticulture & Winery Foundation Board of Directors (Rios)
15.1.2 Redevelopment Oversight Committee (Busenbark)
15.1.3 Legislative Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Sanchez)
15.2 Ad Hoc Committee Reports
15.2.1 Communications (Baldini, Martenson)
15.2.2 Accreditation (Digardi, Baldini, Busenbark)
15.2.3 BP 2720 – Communications Among Board Members Review (Digardi, Busenbark, Iverson)
15.3 Trustee Reports
15.4 Board Chair Report
17.1 October 8, 2015, Regular Meeting
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