- 12 Feb, 16
- by Napa Valley College
- in Napa Valley College, Napa Valley College Board of Trustees Meetings
NVC Board of Trustees Meeting 2.11.16
Napa Valley Community College District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 11, 2016 4:00 p.m.
Board Workshop – BoardDocs Demonstration, Room 1538 – Board Room 4:30 p.m. Call to Order & Closed Session, Room 1538 – Board Room 5:30 p.m. (approximate time) Return to Public Session, Room 1538 – Board Room Building 1500 – McPherson Administration Building 2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway Napa, California 94558
1.0 CALL TO ORDER 4:30 p.m.
1.1 Roll Call
RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION (approximately 5:30 p.m.)
4.1 Announcement of Items from Closed Session
4.2 Pledge of Allegiance
00:00 4.3 Adoption of Agenda
00:01:25 5.0 PUBLIC COMMENT ─ GENERAL At this time, the board will devote a total of up to fifteen minutes for comments to the Board of Trustees regarding any subject NOT APPEARING AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR THIS MEETING but over which the board has jurisdiction. The public may ask the board to place an item related to the business of the District on a future board agenda. No action or discussion will occur at this time on such items. Individuals will be limited to a three minute presentation. At this time, the Board Chair will poll those in attendance regarding their intent to speak on any item on the agenda. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees February 11, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:13 6.1 Academic Senate Report – Amanda Badgett, president
1:17 6.2 Administrative/Confidential Senate Report – Ken Arnold, president
1:19 6.3 Associated Students of Napa Valley College Report – Eleni Tham, president
1:26 6.4 Classified Association Report – Jan Schardt, president
1:27 6.5 Classified Senate Report – Christopher Farmer, president
1:33 6.6 Faculty Association Report – Dianna Chiabotti, president
1:42 7.1 President’s Report
1:35 7.2 Napa Valley College Foundation Report
1:54 7.3 Vice Presidents’ Reports
7.4 Public Information Office Report
2:18:40 8.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8.1 January 21, 2016 Regular Meeting 9.0
0:2:27 9.1 Kennedy Park Master Plan Napa Parks and Recreation has completed a final draft of a Master Plan for John F. Kennedy Memorial Park. College and city staff will provide an overview of the plan and potential partnership opportunities. (Kraft/Christensen)
2:20 9.2 Accreditation Update Staff will provide an update on accreditation, including next steps following the expected receipt of an action letter from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. (Kraft/Wornall)
PART 2 00:02:12 9.3 Educational Master Plan Update Staff will provide an update on the status of a regular update of the District’s 2013- 2023 Educational Master Plan (EMP). The master plan is updated every three years as part of a regular cycle of integrated planning and evaluation. The 2015-2016 EMP Update will be smaller in scope than the larger 2013-2023 plan. It will include updated internal and external scan data, highlighting recent changes that are likely to impact the college. The EMP Update will identify goals, recommendations, and challenges for the District and focus on local needs. The EMP Update will be used to inform planning in the coming years. Staff will provide an outline of the project, the working timeline, and a status report. (Kraft/Wornall) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees February 11, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
PART 2 00:42:09 10.0 CONSENT CALENDAR The items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine matters requiring approval or ratification by the board. They are accepted or approved by a single motion without discussion.
10.1 Ratify Financial Documents (Parker/Aguada)
10.1.1 Approve Warrants for January 31, 2016 General Fund (Fund: 11, 12) $1,675,119.51 Child Care Fund (Fund: 33, 35) $3,982.41 Capital Outlay Projects Fund (Fund: 41) $37,623.40 10.1.2 Approve Total Gross Payroll January 31, 2015 $1,875,720.53
10.2 Personnel Document of February 2, 2016 (Kraft)
10.3 Ratify Agreements, Contracts & Memorandums of Understanding Education Code 81655 stipulates that no contract is an enforceable obligation of the District until it has been approved by the Board of Trustees. Board Policy 6100 – Delegation of Authority, Business & Fiscal Affairs establishes the authority of certain administrators to approve contracts under the bid limit prior to formal Board approval. This consent item presents for Board approval: all Memorandums of Understanding, administratively approved contracts, as well as additional instructional contracts. (Parker/Aguada) Item # NAME/ Contracting Party TYPE & TERM DESCRIPTION FISCAL IMPACT TO DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY
10.3.1 McAlister Institute Contract 2/11/16 until terminated by either party Internship site for Human Services Program students No direct cost to the District Hope Scott, Human Services Program Coordinator
10.3.2 OLE Health Contract 2/11/16 until terminated by either party Internship site for Human Services Program students No direct cost to the District Hope Scott, Human Services Program Coordinator
10.3.3 Napa Valley Grape Growers MOU 1/18/16 through 6/1/16 Provide non-credit ESL classes at the Upper Valley Campus.to the Napa Valley Grape Growers. Based on class enrollment, the college will receive apportionment for generated FTES & $1,500 to cover curriculum & student materials. Mechele Manno, Interim Associate Dean, UVC Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees February 11, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
11.1 Changes to the Curriculum It is recommended by the Curriculum Committee and Vice President of Instruction Terrence Giugni that the Board of Trustees approve changes to the curriculum as presented. (Giugni/Gianvecchio)
2:44 11.2 Faculty Sabbatical Leave Requests for 2016-2017 Two faculty members have been recommended by the Professional Development Committee and confirmed by the Academic Senate for sabbatical leaves during the 2016-2017 academic year. Upon completion of a sabbatical leave each faculty member shall submit a report to the Office and Instruction and may be asked to present to the Board of Trustees. This year, one one-semester and one full-year sabbaticals were recommended by the Professional Development Committee for approval as follows: Name Title Semester(s) Linda Napholz Professor of Associate Degree Nursing Fall 2016 Jeff Wachsmuth Professor of Psychology Fall 2016 & Spring 2017 The Superintendent/President and the Office of Instruction support the basic tenant that sabbatical leaves provide an important mechanism for individual faculty to utilize a course of study, research, publication, or artistic performance or production as a means of expanding and/or improving the quality of an individual’s work at the institution. The Superintendent/President is forwarding these sabbatical application for the 2016-17 academic year with a recommendation for approval. (Kraft/Giugni)
11.3 2016-2017 Academic Personnel Status Document It is recommended that the Board of Trustee approve the 2016-2017 Academic Personnel Status Document and the changes in contract status and salary steps listed for 2016-2017. (Kraft)
PART 2 00:48;45 11.4 Budget Update and Financial Statements Staff will provide an update on Napa Valley Community College District finances including current and future year budget expectations as well as an overview of the financial action items below. (Parker/Aguada)
11.4.1 Quarterly Financial Status Report (CCFS-311Q) for the quarter ending December 31, 2015
11.4.2 Quarterly Financial Status of Income and Expenditures for the quarter ending December 31, 2015
00:36:35 11.5 2016-2017 Planning Priorities It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 2016-2017 College Planning Priorities. Each year, the Planning Committee recommends college-wide planning priorities to the President. The President then recommends annual planning priorities for adoption to the Board of Trustees. Planning priorities are drawn from the Institutional Strategic Plan and are used to guide unit-level planning by budget center managers for the 2016-2017 annual planning process. Recommended 2016-2017 Planning Priorities are included in the backup packet. (Kraft/Wornall/Shea) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees February 11, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:52 11.6 2016-2017 Budget Development Values & Assumptions It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 2016-2017 Budget Development Values & Assumptions. Each year, as a part of the college’s annual Planning and Budget Development process, the Budget Committee recommends next year’s budget values and assumptions to the college president for approval by the Board of Trustees. (Kraft/Parker/Hall)
PART 2 00:50:09 11.7 Authorization to Proceed – Upper Valley Center Request for Information It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the Superintendent/President to proceed with the circulation of a Request for Information (RFI) to potential parties interested in presenting concepts regarding existing and/or proposed facilities that may enhance the programs/activities at the Upper Valley Center in St. Helena. (Kraft)
1:05 11.8 BoardDocs Proposal This item is placed on the agenda to allow further discussion of the earlier presented BoardDocs e-governance and agenda management product and proposal. The Board may consider approval of the BoardDocs proposal. (Kraft/Cattolica)
PART 2 00:50:43 11.9 Resolution to Eliminate Vacant Administrative and Classified Positions It is recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt a resolution to eliminate one administrative and 10 classified positions. As a part of ongoing review of college staffing patterns and vacancies, a total of 11 vacant positions are scheduled to be eliminated. The 11 positions (one administrative and 10 classified) represent a total of 9.8 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff. The positions were identified for elimination for a variety of factors, including reorganization/realignment and fiscal stability. A resolution authorizing elimination of the positions is included in the backup packet. (Kraft)
PART 2 00:51:14 11.10 Resolution Authorizing Trustee Absence Per the request of the Board, a resolution confirming Trustee Kyle Iverson’s absence on January 21, 2016, was due to hardship deemed acceptable by the Board is included in the backup packet. (Baldini)
PART 2 00:51:40 12.0 BOARD REPORTS
12.1 Standing Committee & Other Appointment Reports 12.1.1 Viticulture & Winery Foundation Board of Directors (Rios)
12.1.2 McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee (Martenson)
12.1.3 Redevelopment Oversight Committee (Busenbark) 12.1.4 Legislative Affairs Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Iverson, Sanchez) 12.1.5 Audit Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Iverson)
PART 2 00:56:35 12.2 Ad Hoc Committee Reports
12.2.1 Foundation/District Relationship Ad Hoc Committee (Digardi, Rios, Iverson, Hardy, Kraft) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees February 11, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
PART 2 00:57:31 12.3 Trustee Reports Under Section 54954.2(a)(2) of the Brown Act, trustees are permitted to make a brief announcement or to make a brief report on his or her own activities. Reports from trustees are intended to be non-controversial and used for reporting on conferences, meetings, and other activities related to District business. No action will be taken.
12.4 Board Chair Report
14.1 March 10, 2016, Regular Meeting 15.0 ADJOURNMEN
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