- 17 Apr, 16
- by Napa Valley College
- in Napa Valley College, Napa Valley College Board of Trustees Meetings
NVC Board of Trustees Meeting 4.14.16
Napa Valley Community College District
April 14, 2016 4:00 p.m.
Board Room Building 1500 – McPherson Administration Building 2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway Napa, California 94558
0:12 1.0 CALL TO ORDER 4:30 p.m.
0:24 1.1 Roll Call
2.0 PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS At this time, the board will devote a total of up to fifteen minutes for comments to the Board of Trustees regarding closed session agenda items. Individuals will be limited to a five minute presentation. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees April 14, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:50 3.0 Resolution in Honor of Napa Valley College Classified Professionals Including Those Who Have Achieved 15 or More Years of Service At its June 16, 2006 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved designating time each April to celebrate Napa Valley College classified professionals and the contributions they make to our educational community. In addition to the reading of this resolution, there will be an appreciation luncheon on April 15, 2016. As of June 30, 2016, the following eight classified professionals will have reached 15 years of service at Napa Valley College: Tereasa Snowder, Media Services Technician I, Donnelle Estrada, Payroll Technician, Evangeline Pare, Account Clerk III, Bethany Cravea, Child Care Specialist II, Joaquin Brambila, Custodian II, Robert Lortz, Student Services Specialist, Amanda Frost, Secretary III and Danielle Alexander, Instructional Assistant IV. In total, since 2006, over 53 classified professionals have reached or exceeded 15 years of employment at the college. To honor these individuals, their portraits have been installed on the Classified Appreciation board outside of the Classified Staff Lounge.
0:06 5.1 Announcement of Items from Closed Session
5.2 Pledge of Allegiance
2:28 5.3 Adoption of Agenda Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees April 14, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
3:23 6.0 PUBLIC COMMENT ─ GENERAL At this time, the board will devote a total of up to fifteen minutes for comments to the Board of Trustees regarding any subject NOT APPEARING AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR THIS MEETING but over which the board has jurisdiction. The public may ask the board to place an item related to the business of the District on a future board agenda. No action or discussion will occur at this time on such items. Individuals will be limited to a five minute presentation. At this time, the Board Chair will poll those in attendance regarding their intent to speak on any item on the agenda.
9:54 7.0 Presentation: Pathway Home Dorothy Salmon, chairwoman for the Pathway Home Board, will provide an overview of the organizations operations and plans, including those integrated veterans’ services that will be offered at Napa Valley College. The Pathway Home also partners with San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center and will bring nine years of experience, as well as a community of volunteers, to Napa Valley College. (Kraft)
40:46 8.1 Academic Senate Report – Amanda Badgett, president
44:30 8.2 Administrative/Confidential Senate Report – Ken Arnold, president
46:34 8.3 Associated Students of Napa Valley College Report – Eleni Tham, president
52.47 8.4 Classified Association Report – Jan Schardt, president
53:00 8.5 Classified Senate Report – Christopher Farmer, president
1:00:00 8.6 Faculty Association Report – Dianna Chiabotti, president 9.0
1:03:00 9.1 Napa Valley College Foundation Report
1:07:00 9.2 Vice Presidents’ Reports
1:18:00 9.3 Public Information Office Report
1:22:00 9.4 President’s Report
10.1 February 11, 2016 Regular Meeting
10.2 March 10, 2016 Regular Meeting
15:00 11.1 General Obligation Facilities Bond Feasibility Update This item is placed on the agenda to allow for presentation and discussion of information related to a potential facilities bond. (Baldini/Kraft)
48:27 11.2 2016 Student Success Scorecard The 2016 Student Success Scorecard was released by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) in March. The Scorecard tracks institutional performance on seven indicators related to student completion and achievement of educational milestones. The Board is required to interact with the Scorecard data and the District must submit meeting minutes to the CCCCO to demonstrate that interaction. The presentation will include an orientation to the Scorecard information available (at http://scorecard.cccco.edu/scorecard.aspx) as well as the college’s internal report. (Kraft/Wornall) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees April 14, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:02:00 11.3 Facilities Master Plan Update Staff will provide an update on the Facilities Master Plan and plan development process. (Parker/Christensen)
1:17:00 12.0 CONSENT CALENDAR The items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine matters requiring approval or ratification by the board. They are accepted or approved by a single motion without discussion.
12.1 Ratify Financial Documents (Parker/Aguada) 12.1.1 Approve Total Gross Payroll March 31, 2016 $2,318,600.84 12.2 Personnel Document of April 5, 2016 (Albarran)
12.3 Approval of 2016-2017 Academic Calendar It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 2016-2017 academic calendar as presented. The proposed calendar meets the legal mandates and the holidays and breaks coincide with those scheduled by the Napa Valley Unified School District. The District and the Faculty Association have reached agreement on this calendar for fall 2016 and spring 2017, which is an item of bargaining. The proposed calendar is included in the backup packet. (Giugni) 12.4 Ratify Agreements, Contracts & Memorandums of Understanding Education Code 81655 stipulates that no contract is an enforceable obligation of the District until it has been approved by the Board of Trustees. Board Policy 6100 – Delegation of Authority, Business & Fiscal Affairs establishes the authority of certain administrators to approve contracts under the bid limit prior to formal Board approval. This consent item presents for Board approval: all Memorandums of Understanding, administratively approved contracts, as well as additional instructional contracts. (Parker/Aguada) Item # NAME TYPE & TERM DESCRIPTION FISCAL IMPACT TO DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY:
12.4.1 Clarke & Associates Independent Contractor Agreement 3/15/16 through 9/30/21 Planning, developing, writing, submitting & evaluation of the U.S. Dept. of Ed. Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPISI) program grant application proposal $7,000 one-time fee + Post Award Evaluation Services 10% of funds awarded each year based on the annual grant award. Oscar De Haro, Vice President, Student Services 12.4.2 Deputy Sector Navigator (DSN) – Small Business Amendment #1 to existing Agreement #15-159-005 1/1/16 through 12/31/16 DSN provides leadership for the development and growth of small businesses for Napa and five other counties. Agreement augmented with 2014-2015 funds in the amount of $100,000. Total amount shall not exceed $300,000. Alberta Lloyd, Acting Dean, E.W.D. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees April 14, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda 12.4.3 Sutter Medical Foundation d.b.a. Sutter Health Sacramento Sierra Region Extension (1) to existing agreement 4/1/13 through 6/30/17 To provide health occupation students the required clinical and/or non-clinical experience at their facility No direct cost to the District Robert Harris, Dean, Health Occ., Phys. Ed. & Athletics 12.4.4 Inland Business Systems Agreement 7/1/16 through 6/30/19 Print Management Agreement Annual cost savings of $10,500 for savings of $31,500 over 3 years Robert Parker, Vice President, Administrative Services 12.4.5 CA Dept. of Education – CCTR-5149 General Child Care Programs Amendment 02 The maximum amount of this contract is increasing by $123,038 from $381,111 to $504,149. No net impact, allowable transfer between contracts – see also Item 12.4.6 Darrell Whitacre, Director, Child Development Center 12.4.6 CA Dept. of Education – CSPP-5292 Preschool Program Amendment 02 The maximum amount of this contract is decreasing by $123,038 from $305,911 to $182,873. No net impact, allowable transfer between contracts – see also Item 12.4.5 Darrell Whitacre, Director, Child Development Center 12.4.7 Contract Education Agreement w/ Mumm Napa Valley Contract Education Agreement On-site training 4/1/16 To provide Mumm Napa Valley employees safe food handler practices, testing and certification. District will be paid $950.00 for providing Food Handling training, materials, exam and certification. Alberta Lloyd, Acting Dean, E.W.D.
1:30:00 13.1 2015-16 Educational Master Plan Update The data included in the 2015-2016 Educational Master Plan (EMP) Update focuses on trends that will impact the institution over the next ten years. The data in the EMP Update has been used to identify local challenges and begin identifying strategies to address those challenges. Discussions of the data, challenges, and strategies have occurred among stake-holding groups within the institution in recent months. The 2015-2016 EMP Update has been distributed among constituent groups for final review. The EMP Update will be used to inform planning at institutional and program levels in the coming years. ( Giugni/ Wornall)
1:48:00 13.2 Changes to the Curriculum It is recommended by the Curriculum Committee and Vice President of Instruction Terrence Giugni that the Board of Trustees approve changes to the curriculum as presented. (Giugni/Gianvecchio) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees April 14, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:49:00 13.3 Ratify Financial Documents (Parker/Aguada)
13.3.1 Warrants for March 31, 2016 General Fund (Fund: 11, 12) $1,602,988.19 Child Care Fund (Fund: 33, 35) $4,321.15 Capital Outlay Projects Fund (Fund: 41) $0.00
1:49:00 13.4 Proposal from Green Energy Products It is recommended that the Board of Trustees accept a proposal from Green Energy Products to install LED retrofit lights and occupancy sensors in selected classroom buildings. (Parker/Christensen)
1:50:00 13.5 Resolution in Support of College Promise It is recommended by the Board’s Legislative Affairs Committee that the Board of Trustees adopt a resolution supporting AB 1721 and AB 1892. (Digardi/Baldini)
1:51:00 13.6 California Community College Trustee Board Election The election of members to the California Community College Trustee Board (CCCT) of the Community College League will take place between March 10 and April 25. There are eight vacancies on the board. Each member community college district has one vote for each available seat on the CCCT board. Only one vote may be cast for any nominee or write-in candidate. Board members will discuss and select candidates to support. Additional information is included in the backup packet. (Baldini)
1:58:00 14.0 BOARD REPORTS
14.1 Standing Committee & Other Appointment Reports 14.1.1 Viticulture & Winery Foundation Board of Directors (Rios)
14.1.2 McPherson Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee (Martenson)
14.1.3 Redevelopment Oversight Committee (Busenbark)
14.1.4 Legislative Affairs Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Iverson, Sanchez)
14.1.5 Audit Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Iverson)
14.2 Ad Hoc Committee Reports
14.2.1 Foundation/District Relationship Ad Hoc Committee (Digardi, Rios, Iverson, Hardy, Kraft)
14.3 Trustee Reports Under Section 54954.2(a)(2) of the Brown Act, trustees are permitted to make a brief announcement or to make a brief report on his or her own activities. Reports from trustees are intended to be non-controversial and used for reporting on conferences, meetings, and other activities related to District business. No action will be taken.
14.4 Board Chair Report Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees April 14, 2016 Regular Meeting Agenda 15.0 CONTINUANCE OF CLOSED SESSION (as needed)
16.0 ANNOUNCEMENT OF FUTURE MEETING(S) 16.1 May 12, 2016, Regular Meeting
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