NVC Board of Trustees 9.12.24


2. Call to Order 

  • 0:00             2.1 Call to Order and Roll Call
  • 1:05            2.2 Pledge of Allegiance
  • 1:30            2.3 Land Acknowledgement
  • 2:55            2.4 Adoption of Agenda

3. Recognition

  • 3::39            3.1 Recognition of Newly Tenured Faculty

4. Public Comment on Closed Session Items

  • 8:16             4.1 Closed Session Public Comment

5.            20:03     Closed Session 

  • 5.1 Conference with Labor Negotiators
  • 5.2 Public Employment
  • 5.3 Public Employee Performance Evaluation

6. Return to Public Session 

  • 20:18           6.1 Announcement of Items from Closed Session

7. Public Comment – General

  • 21:00           7.1 Public Comment & Guidelines

8. Consent Calendar

  • 21:50          8.1 Approval of Consent Calendar
          • 8.2 Proposed Minutes: August 15, 2024 Regular Meeting

9. General Information/Discussion/Action Items

  • 22:22            9.1 Resolution 24-12 Waver of Bond Requirement for Sabbatical Leaves

10. Student Affairs Information/Discussion/Action Items11. Academic Affairs Information/Discussion/Action12. Human Resources Information/Discussion/Action Items

  • 24;44            12.1 Work Place Violence Prevention Plan (WPVPP) presentation
  • 26:55            12.2 Title IX 2024 Updates
  • 32:29            12.3 EEO Annual Report

13. Administrative Services Information/Discussion/Action Items

  • 34:33              13.1 Public Hearing: Napa Valley CCD 2024-2025 Adoption (Final) Budget
  • 1:00:42           13.2 Resolution #24-13 Transfer of Funds to Fund 61 Liabilities/Self-Insurance
  • 1:01:16           13.3 2024-2025 Unrestricted General Fund 11 (operating fund) Revenues and Expenditures Budget Update as of August 31, 2024

14. Reports

  • 14.2 Associated Students of Napa Valley College Report – Priya Sharma, president
  • 14.3 Classified Senate Report – Danielle Alexander, president
  • 14.4 Classified Association Report – Jessenia Cota, president
  • 1:03:31            14.5 Administrative/Confidential Senate Report – Cristine Tapia, president
  • 1:05:25            14.6 Academic Senate Report – Matthew Kronzer, Ed.D., president
  • 1:07:15            14.7 Faculty Association Report – John Kincheloe, president

15. President and Board Reports

  • 1:13:42            15.1 President and Cabinet Reports
  • 1:34:45            15.2 Standing Committee & Other Appointment Reports
  • 1:35:55            15.3 Future Agenda Item Requests
  • 1:37:34            15.4 Trustee and Board Chair Reports

16. Continuance of Closed Session (as needed)17. Announcement of Future Meetings

  • 17.1 10/17/24, REGULAR MEETING

18. Adjournment

  • 1:46:40           18.1 Adjournment