- 08 Oct, 15
- by Napa Valley College
- in Napa Valley College Board of Trustees Meetings
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NVC Board of Trustees Meeting 10.8.15
Napa Valley Community College District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
October 8, 2015 4:00 p.m. Science Lab Tour – Room 1831 – Building 1800 4:30 p.m. Call to Order & Closed Session, Room 1538 – Board Room 5:30 p.m. (approximate time) Return to Public Session, Room 1538 – Board Room Building 1500 – McPherson Administration Building 2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway Napa, California 94558
1.0 CALL TO ORDER 4:30 p.m.
1.1 Roll Call
4.0 RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION (approximately 6:00 p.m.)
4.1 Announcement of Items from Closed Session
1:10 4.2 Pledge of Allegiance 4.3 Adoption of Agenda
2:08 5.0 PUBLIC COMMENT ─ GENERAL At this time, the board will devote a total of up to fifteen minutes for comments to the Board of Trustees regarding any subject NOT APPEARING AS AN AGENDA ITEM FOR THIS MEETING but over which the board has jurisdiction. The public may ask the board to place an item related to the business of the District on a future board agenda. No action or discussion will occur at this time on such items. Individuals will be limited to a three minute presentation. At this time, the Board Chair will poll those in attendance regarding their intent to speak on any item on the agenda. 6.0 CONSTITUENT GROUP REPORTS
4:10 6.1 Academic Senate Report – Amanda Badgett, president
9:02 6.2 Administrative/Confidential Senate Report – Ken Arnold, president
12:02 6.3 Associated Students of Napa Valley College Report – Eleni Tham, president
13:08 6.4 Classified Association Report – Jan Schardt, president
13:48 6.5 Classified Senate Report – Christopher Farmer, president
16:38 6.6 Faculty Association Report – Dianna Chiabotti, president
7.1 President’s Report
7.2 Napa Valley College Foundation Report
26:10 7.3 Vice Presidents’ Reports
34:27 7.4 Strategic Communications Report
8.1 August 13, 2015 Regular Meeting
8.2 September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting
50:57 9.1 Budget Update Vice President Jeanine Hawk will provide an update on Napa Valley Community College District finances including current and future year budget expectations. (Hawk)
1:03:34 9.2 Potential General Obligation Bond Per the request of the Board, this item is placed on the agenda to allow continued discussion of the Measure E After Action Report and a potential new bond measure. (Digardi/Baldini) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees October 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
1:28:46 9.3 Report on Salary Advancement Projects 2015-2016 This item is placed on the agenda to allow the Board of Trustees to recognize completed Salary Advancement Projects for 2015/2016. The District provides opportunities for salary advancements as an expression of its commitment to reward improved competence and/or performance of its faculty. A summary of projects and Administrative Regulation H4510 – Salary Advancement are included in the backup packet. (Giugni)
1:33:54 9.4 Napa Valley Regional Consortium for Adult Education Block Grant (AB 86) Staff will provide an update on the continuing partnership between Napa Valley College and Napa Valley Unified School District as members of the Napa Valley Regional Consortium. The consortium will address planning and implementation of a unified and unduplicated system to provide adults in our community with services and course offerings. (Kraft/Giugni/Scott)
1:54:53 9.5 Student Right to Know Report and Napa Valley Police Department Annual Report Ken Arnold, police chief for the Napa Valley College Police Department, will present the Student Right to Know Report. This is an annual report required by Federal Law. The “Cleary” report outlines specific security policies and procedures and the occurrence of specified crimes. Mr. Arnold will also present the Napa Valley College Police Department’s annual report that includes a summary of activities and accomplishments. (De Haro/Arnold)
2:11:20 9.6 1st Reading of New, Revised, or To Be Repealed Board Policies This is the first reading of the following new, revised, or to-be repealed board policies: Policy # Notes/Status Policy Title Chapter 6 – Business & Fiscal Affairs BP 6310 Revised (old F3350) (also replaces H0820) Travel Chapter 7 – Human Resources H0820 Repeal Travel & Conference Expenses In keeping with board policy D1140 – College Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities, these policies were reviewed through the Council of Presidents and, as appropriate, by the Mutual Agreement Committee. It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these policies at the November 2015 Regular meeting. (Kraft)
The items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine matters requiring approval or ratification by the board. They are accepted or approved by a single motion without discussion. 10.1 Ratify Financial Documents (Hawk) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees October 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
10.1.1 Approve Warrants for September 30, 2015 General Fund (Fund: 11, 12) $1,356,926.87 Child Care Fund (Fund: 33, 35) $4,265.66 Capital Outlay Projects Fund (Fund: 41) $76,963.14 10.1.2 Approve Total Gross Payroll September 30, 2015 $2,354,415.42 10.2 Personnel Document of September 29, 2015 (Ecklin) 10.3 Ratify Agreements, Contracts & Memorandums of Understanding Education Code 81655 stipulates that no contract is an enforceable obligation of the District until it has been approved by the Board of Trustees. Board Policy 6100 – Delegation of Authority, Business & Fiscal Affairs establishes the authority of certain administrators to approve contracts under the bid limit prior to formal Board approval. This consent item presents for Board approval: all Memorandums of Understanding, administratively approved contracts, as well as additional instructional contracts. (Hawk) Item # NAME TYPE & TERM DESCRIPTION FISCAL IMPACT TO DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY:
10.3.1 Chabot-Las Positas Community College District California Early Childhood Mentor Program Agreement #CN150142 8/1/15 through 7/31/16 Provides resources to recruit and train early childhood mentors and for placement of student teachers with mentors to complete their practicum The maximum funding available to Napa Valley College students from this grant agreement totals $18,328 plus reimbursement for travel expense related to the program. Dianna Chiabotti, Professor 10.3.2 Yosemite Community College District, Child Development Training Consortium Agreement #15-16- 733537 9/1/15 through 6/30/16 Provides training to students desiring to obtain a new or renew a currently held Child Development permit The District’s Coordinator will be reimbursed up to a maximum amount of $4,950. Dianna Chiabotti, Professor
10.3.3 Fairfield Fire Department MOU 10/1/15 until terminated by either party Clinical education site for health occupation students No cost to the District Robert Harris, Dean, Health Occ.
10.3.4 American Technologies, Inc. (ATI) Work Proposal & Authorizatio n 6/22/15 through 8/14/15 Fire restoration in gymnasium $1,000 deductible. Total cost of $539,289.58 to be reimbursed by insurance. Matt Christensen Director, Facilities Services Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees October 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
2:13:45 11.1 Board of Trustees Self-Evaluation and 2015/16 – 2017/18 Board Goals This item is placed on the agenda to allow continued discussion of the Board’s biennial self-evaluation and consideration of proposed Board Goals for 2015/16 to 2017/18. This item was carried forward from the August 13, 2015 and September 10, 2015 Regular Meetings. Trustee Mary Ann Mancuso, Trustee Amy Martenson, and Trustee Kyle Iverson were appointed to an ad hoc committee at the September 10, 1015 Regular meeting. The committee is charged with reviewing and forwarding recommendations related to board goals. (Digardi/Kraft)
2:33:43 11.2 Changes to the Curriculum It is recommended by the Curriculum Committee and Vice President of Instruction Terrence Giugni that the Board of Trustees approve changes to the curriculum as presented. (Giugni/Gianvecchio)
2:35:02 11.3 Financial Report(s)
11.3.1 Quarterly Financial Health Checklist for the quarter ending September 30, 2015 (Hawk)
2:39:26 11.4 Resolution to Eliminate Vacant Administrative and Classified Positions It is recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt a resolution to eliminate five administrative and 18 classified positions. As a part of ongoing review of college staffing patterns and vacancies, a total of 23 vacant positions are scheduled to be eliminated. The 23 positions (five administrative and 18 classified) represent a total of 22.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff. The positions were identified for elimination for a variety of factors, including reorganization/realignment, grant discontinuance, and fiscal stability. A resolution authorizing elimination of the positions is included in the backup packet.
2:43:15 11.5 Napa Valley Regional Consortium: Authority for Members of the Leadership Group It is recommended that the Board of Trustees designate President Ronald Kraft and Vice President of Instruction Terry Giugni as authorized agents of the Napa Valley Community College District Board of Trustees in the governance structure of the Napa Valley Regional Consortium. This designation will grant Dr. Kraft and Dr. Giugni authority to vote on proposals and other matters. Napa Valley College and Napa Valley Unified School District are members of this adult education consortium that was formed in response to Assembly Bill 86, Section 76, Article 3. (Kraft/Giugni)
2:44:50 11.6 Board Appointment – District Auxiliary Services Foundation Board It is recommended that the Board of Trustees appoint Bill Hardy to the District Auxiliary Services Foundation (DAS) Board of Directors. The term of the appointment shall be one year, effective October 8, 2015, and may be renewed. Mr. Hardy is replacing John Johnson on the board as the Napa Valley College Foundation Board representative. DAS is a public benefit nonprofit corporation that functions as an auxiliary organization to promote and assist the programs of Napa Valley College. Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees October 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
2:45:46 11.7 New or Revised Board Policies (2nd Reading) This is the second reading and recommended adoption of the following new, revised or to-be repealed board policies Policy # Notes/Status Policy Title Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees BP 2720 Revised (proposed by Board Ad Hoc Committee) Communications Among Board Members Chapter 3 – General District BP 3500 Revised Campus Safety BP 3501 New Campus Security and Access BP 3510 Revise Workplace Violence Plan BP 3515 New Reporting of Crimes BP 3518 New Child Abuse Reporting BP 3520 New Local Law Enforcement BP 3530 New Weapons on Campus BP 3550 Revised Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program Chapter 7 – Human Resources H0130 Repeal (covered in new AR 7210 &AR 7211, and BOG requirements) Accredited Degrees H0320 Repeal (superseded by H2420 and Classified Collective Bargaining Agreement) Fitness Program for Staff H0612 Repeal & convert to AR 7132 (to become an AR under Compensation policy) Overtime & Extra Pay H0650 Repeal & convert to AR 7131 Payroll Errors H0860 Repeal (obsolete, no longer a college practice) Staff Release Time for Trips & Tours Escort Program In keeping with board policy D1140 – College Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities, these policies were reviewed through the Council of Presidents and, as appropriate, by the Mutual Agreement Committee. (Kraft) Napa Valley College – Board of Trustees October 8, 2015 Regular Meeting Agenda
2:46:41 12.0 BOARD REPORTS
12.1 Standing Committee & Other Appointment Reports
12.1.1 Viticulture & Winery Foundation Board of Directors (Rios)
12.1.2 Redevelopment Oversight Committee (Busenbark) 12.1.3 Legislative Affairs Committee (Digardi, Mancuso, Sanchez)
12.2 Ad Hoc Committee Reports 12.2.1 Accreditation (Digardi, Baldini, Busenbark)
2:52:10 12.3 Trustee Reports
12.4 Board Chair Report
14.0 ANNOUNCEMENT OF FUTURE MEETING(S) 14.1 November 12, 2015, Regular Meeting
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